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Wheelman Rip Multi-5
Wheelman Rip Multi-5 l PC l Size 2.84GB
Publisher: Ubisoft
Developer: Tigon
Genre: Mission-based Driving
Release Date: Mar 24, 2009 (more)
ESRB Descriptors: Strong Language, Suggestive Themes, ViolenceWheelman is an apparent undercover mission in Barcelona starring Vin Diesel. I say "apparent" because the story is pretty much never explained with the exception of a short cutscene at the beginning of the game. Vin just meets some dude from an agency who hands him a folder of info and vaguely mentions a world-ending thing that's in Spain. From there, you're Vin's undercover persona Milo, a no-nonsense driver for all sorts of bad guys. Throughout the game, you'll tear through the streets of Barcelona chasing a document in a tube, a guy named Felipe, and more, but you'll never have any idea why the hell you're doing this thanks to the nonexistent story this game packs.
System requirements:
Operating System :Vista /XP
Video Card : 128 MB
Ram : 512 MB
CPU : 2 GHz z tego postu zosta³y usuniête z powodu naruszenia praw autorskich.