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DCS Black Shark (2009) (PC)
DCS Black Shark (2009) (PC) PC
Category: Combat Sims
Publisher: Take-Two Interactive
Release: 2009/04/13
Size: 3,848.9 MB
DCS: Black Shark is the definitive PC simulation and combat game of the Russian Kamov-50 (Ka-50) attack helicopter and is the first title in a new Eagle Dynamics and the Fighter Collection simulation series: Digital Combat Simulator (DCS). DCS: Black Shark offers an unprecedented level of realism in regards to flight dynamics, instruments modeling, avionics systems, and weapon systems, while its artificial Intelligence of ground vehicles and helicopters and weapon modeling is second to none.
DCS: Black Shark game logo
the Russian Ka-50 attack helicopter from DCS: Black Shark
Meet the Russian Ka-50
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Cockpit full of avionics controls from DCS: Black Shark
Cockpit full of avionics controls.
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Surface to air missle from DCS: Black Shark
Additional vehicles & weapons
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Flexible mission editor from DCS: Black Shark
Flexible mission editor.
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In-game field asset encyclopedia from DCS: Black Shark
In-game field asset encyclopedia.
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It also includes a new mission editor including a powerful electronic mapping system that allows user to easily create missions and campaigns, and a campaign system that allows the front line of the battlefield to move back and forth according to your mission success or failure.
[the Black Shark World]
DCS: Black Shark operations are based in the western Caucus region and include portions of Russia, Georgia and a small part of Turkey. With Russia, special attention is paid to the Krasnodarskiy, Karachayrvo-Cherkesiya, Kabardino-Balkariya and Stavropol???skey regions. Some of this area will be recognizable from Flaming Cliffs, but DCS: Black Shark has added a considerable new amount of terrain, particularly much of Georgia. the DCS: Black Shark map is approximately 330,000 sq. km of ground and sea area.
[Comprehensive Access to Kamov-50 Avionics Systems]
DCS: Black Shark comes packed with a wide range of piloting, navigation, targeting and defensive systems avionics for the Ka-50. Game copies include a detailed flight manual covering these, which include, but are not limited to: traditional electromechanical cockpit instruments, multifunction advanced moving map system AMMS (ABRIS), the Rubicon targeting-navigation system, the I-251 Shkval antitank targeting system, countermeasure dispensers, a head-up display (HUD) and helmet-mounted sighting (HMS).
[Artificial Intelligence (AI) Aircraft]
the primary innovation regarding AI aircraft in Black Shark is the inclusion of a new and improved flight model (FM) system. In previous Eagle Dynamics products such as Lock On, the AI-aircraft FM did not reach a high-level of realism, relying sometimes instead on animations to supplement flight dynamics equations. This absence of detailed angle of attack modeling and the influence of cross wind led to problems during advanced maneuvers. To remedy this Black Shark features the same standard flight model (SFM) that was used for player-controlled aircraft in Lock On. With this advancement in AI aircraft flight dynamics it is now possible for the AI to conduct more advanced flight maneuvers and combat tactics.
[Ground Vehicles, Ships and Weapons]
Ground vehicles, ships and weapons such as bombs, rockets, missiles and cannons have been significantly improved in Black Shark. Improvements include: an expanded roster of available active ground vehicles, the ability of each ground vehicle to use multiple types of weapons simultaneously, an overall increase in the level of detail and the inclusion of infantry units.
[Minimum system requirements:]
-Windows XP, Vista;
-CPU P4 2GHz or AMD equivalent,
-RAM 2 GB;
-Video 256MB RAM,
-5GB of HDD space; sound card; DVD ROM; keyboard; mouse.
[Recommended system requirements:]
-Windows XP, Vista;
-CPU Intel Core 2 Duo 3GHz or AMD equivalent,
-RAM 2 GB;
-Video Card with 512 MB RAM (ATI Radeon HD4850 or nVidia GF8800 ),
-5GB of HDD space; sound card;
-DVD ROM; TrackIR??;
-keyboard, mouse, joystick.
1.Extract RaR
2.Burn Or Mount With Daemon Tools To INstall
3.Find Crack Or Serial Number IF NOT ON DISK OR FOLDER
4.Play Enjoy
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