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Cursed Mountain (2009) (Wii)
Cursed Mountain (2009) (Wii) Wii
Category: Action Adventure
Publisher: Deep Silver
Release: 2009/08/25
Size: 4,415.9 MB
This survival horror game follows an experienced climber who sets out to scale a huge mountain in the Himalayas in order to find his recently-lost brother. As he ascends the mountain, he encounters an ancient curse: the souls of the people who died in that region are stuck in limbo, caught in the Shadow World. Players must content with villagers, pilgrims, mountaineers, Buddhist monks, and evil ghosts and demons as they unravel the mystery of the location. And for what? The climber isn???t at all convinced that his missing brother is still alive???
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* Designed exclusively for Wii, Cursed Mountain features rich visuals and breathtaking views ??? the entire game world is visible from every level.
* The gesture-based combat system takes full advantage of the motion sensitivity of Wii. Players will use the Wii Remote to look around, sense the environment, climb and fight enemies.
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