Real Deal Card Games (2011) (PC) 

Naruto ,,Dream ,, Sasuke,Sakura | Klany

Real Deal Card Games (2011) (PC)

Platform: PC
Category: Casino
Publisher: Other
Release: 2010/03/22
Size: 1,067.3 MB

You won???t find a more entertaining card game package anywhere! Reel Deal Card Games 2011 brings you over 80 card games, including 7 Poker varieties, 45 Solitaire variations, Hearts, Spades, Blackjack, Cribbage, Canasta, Rummy, Euchre, and many, many more!

Card Games 2011 features a hilarious cast of 12 animated opponents to play against, including such Phantom favorites as Blackbeard, Professor & Witherbee, Alice, and Lil??? Spookie! You???ll have a blast unlocking new games and surprises in the all new Prize Vault. Card Games 2011 is the most entertaining and complete card game experience ever!

Card games included in Reel Deal Card Games 2011 are: 500, All 5???s, Blackjack, Bridge, Canasta, Crazy Eights, Cribbage, Cuckoo, Euchre, Gin, Go Fish, Golf, Hand and Foot, Hearts, Memory, Old Maid, Pedro, Pepper, Pinochle, Pisti, Pitch, Poker (7 varieties, including Texas Hold ???Em), Rummy 500, Skat, Solitaire (45 variations), Spades, Spite & Malice, War and Whist.)


* Unlockable slot machine and mini-games
* An all new Prize Vault
* Side bets with every character
* Skill settings for opponents from easy to expert and in-game help for each game to help you learn how to play
* New backgrounds, music, player movies, and card backs along with fun cheats to use in each game

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