Exploiting Online Games: Cheating Massively Distributed Systems 

Naruto ,,Dream ,, Sasuke,Sakura | Klany

Exploiting Online Games: Cheating Massively Distributed Systems

Exploiting Online Games: Cheating Massively Distributed Systems
Addison-Wesley Professional | 2007 | ISBN: 0132271915 | 384 pages | CHM | 9 MB

"Imagine trying to play defense in football without ever studying offense. You would not know when a run was coming, how to defend pass patterns, nor when to blitz. In computer systems, as in football, a defender must be able to think like an attacker. I say it in my class every semester, you don't want to be the last person to attack your own system--you should be the first.

"The world is quickly going online. While I caution against online voting, it is clear that online gaming is taking the Internet by storm. In our new age where virtual items carry real dollar value, and fortunes are won and lost over items that do not really exist, the new threats to the intrepid gamer are all too real. To protect against these hazards, you must understand them, and this groundbreaking book is the only comprehensive source of information on how to exploit computer games. Every White Hat should read it. It's their only hope of staying only one step behind the bad guys."



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