Naruto ,,Dream ,, Sasuke,Sakura | Klany
Family Flights Flights | 32 MB The game simulator Family Flights you are invited to visit the role of this flight attendant. During the flight you will have to serve the passengers - serve drinks, food, to pacify the passengers get up to mischief and doing other things, customary for flight attendants.
The main thing is to do everything quickly and correctly. Try to become the best stewardess in the world. The game is controlled by the mouse. Closely following the prompts, the desires of passengers, mouse clicking on objects and customers and watch what is happening. Good luck.
Do you think that you have the skills to fly a plane full of shrewd and demanding passengers? Serve food and beverages, please distribute journals and other random requests in this adventure!
Genre: Simulator
Developer: Oberon Media
Language: English
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