Lisa's Fleet Flight (2010) 

Naruto ,,Dream ,, Sasuke,Sakura | Klany

Lisa's Fleet Flight (2010)
Lisa's Fleet Flight FINAL | 49 mb

Lisa and Tom are the type of people who can t stay put, and this time they have decided that their new gig will take them flying around the whole world! Help them attend to the needs of iconic airport bubi passengers and their luggage in this frenetic Time Management game! Fly to the most luxurious cities in the world as you help Lisa and Tom rake in the cash and purchase awesome upgrades in Lisa s Fleet Flight.

Unique upgrades
Design your own postcards
Fly across the globe!


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  • © 2009 Naruto ,,Dream ,, Sasuke,Sakura | Klany - Ceske - Sjezdovky .cz. Design downloaded from free website templates