Naruto ,,Dream ,, Sasuke,Sakura | Klany
Ziro RIP (2009) (PC)-HOT
Ziro RIP (2009) (PC) PC
Category: Puzzle
Publisher: Other
Release: 2009/10/09
Size: 37.2 MB
Description: Ziro is innovative puzzle game offering incredible game-play in various levels of difficulty. You can relax and enjoy, or try to solve a serious puzzle that will prove to be a true challenge even for the experienced puzzle solver.
* Puzzle game featuring over 300 mind-cracking levels that will take player all around world in noble quest of fighting global warming
* Full 3D graphics powered by Ultra Engine technology that provides stunning graphics and visual effects rarely seen in casual games
* A wide variety of puzzle elements that will heat up even the most prepared brains
* Relax tension of problem solving and boost up your mood with 40 minutes of funky music
* 3 different game modes: Quest, Skill and Practice ??? a challenge for everyone???s taste
* Internet Worldwide ???Hall of Fame??? ??? compare yours high score with players all around the world
* Enjoy the trip around the world through beautiful environments that are unique and characteristic for each part of the globe
* Learn the most important facts about global warming through fun and excitement
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