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Transformers 2009
Transformers 2009 Game is created on motives of the same movie ?Transformers?, work on which is currently under way movie companies DreamWorks Pictures and Paramount PicturesStsenary for the game based on a scenario written by the film.
Output Transformers: The Game for all platforms is planned for summer 2007, simultaneously with the appearance on the big screens similar film
In Transformers: The Game you have to make a difficult choice: to protect the Earth, playing Autobots or destroy humanity, playing for Diseptikonov. Depending on your decisions you will get a unique non-linear scenario games. Players have to learn to deal with unique weapon for each character, learn all the movements and be ready for instantaneous transformations that allow you to quickly change form from robot to vehicle movement and vice versa.
The most successful of the last game of Travellers Tales are two games in a series of LEGO Star Wars, which won critical acclaim and became quite successful in financial terms. Let us hope that in the case with Transformers, the company also did not blunder. system requirements:
3D hardware accelerator card required 100% DirectX 9.0c-compliant 64MB
video card and drivers
Microsoft Windows XP / Vista
Pentium 4 2.0GHz or Athlon 2.0GHz or higher processor
256MB of RAM (1GB for Windows Vista)
DirectX 9.0c (Included)
Developer: Travellers Tales
Publisher: Activision
Genre: Action / 3D / 3rd Person
Ripnuto: movies, high res materials.
Language: English
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