Naruto ,,Dream ,, Sasuke,Sakura | Klany
Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People Season 1 (2009) (PC)
Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People Season 1 (2009) (PC) PC
Category: Adventure Games
Publisher: Telltale Games
Release: 2009/09/15
Size: 3,490.9 MB
Think you can handle Strong Bad???s style? There???s only one way to find out. Subscribe to the full five-episode series of Strong Bad???s Cool Game for Attractive People and every month, you???ll get a brand new episode jam-packed with Strong Badian goodness. Plus, you???re eligible to get a free disc version for just the cost of shipping when the series ends. From ruining Homestar???s life to toppling the King of Town???s authority, from a massive rock-n-roll battle to an insane video game conspiracy, Strong Bad???s Cool Game for Attractive People provides you with 103% more entertainment than the alternative of staring at the paint peeling off your wall.
Episode 1: Homestar Ruiner: When Strong Bad???s plans to beat the snot out of Homestar backfire, he ends up with an unwanted houseguest cramping his style. Now he needs to get life back to normal, by any means possible.
Episode 2: Strong Badia the Free: When Strong Bad fails to obey the King of Town???s totally unfair email tax, he???s placed under house arrest. Once freed from his wrongful imprisonment, Strong Bad goes on a mission to unite the local warring factions under the Strong Badian flag. Is Free Country USA ready for such an awesome ruler?
Episode 3: Baddest of the Bands: Rock and roll! Hurting for cash, Strong Bad sets out to dominate the Battle Royale of the Bands. Can he rule the stage and win the big prize? Or will he be drowned out by the competition? Find out in this high-voltage episode ??? with special guest stars, rock gods LIMOZEEN!
Episode 4: Dangeresque 3: Move over, James Bond! Strong Bad???s here to show you how it???s done in his hand-crafted cinematic masterpiece. You play Dangeresque, a dirty cop in pursuit of action and big sacks of cash. Can our hero defeat his arch-nemesis and save the world? Looks like he???s gonna have to jump???
Episode 5: 8-Bit Is Enough: Trogdor must be stopped! The beefy-armed dragon of legend has broken free from his arcade cabinet and is burninating the land. With classic 8-bit games leaking into the real world and Strong Badia a fiery mess, only Strong Bad can take back the night and conquer this scorching menace once and for all. Does anybody know how to kill a dragon?
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