Strip Domino v.1.1.32 (2010/ENG/RUS) 

Naruto ,,Dream ,, Sasuke,Sakura | Klany

Strip Domino v.1.1.32 (2010/ENG/RUS)
  Strip Domino v.1.1.32 (2010/ENG/RUS)
Strip Domino v.1.1.32 (2010/ENG/RUS) | 17MB

Playing Strip Domino is exciting battle in all known game of "dominoes" with charming rivals. You can play with one, or simultaneously with the three girls to choose from! Each girl has their own style of play. The game supports two modes: normal (PC), or play with the girls strip. The archive includes additional opponent.

Information about the game:
Title: Strip Domino v.1.1.32
Genre: Puzzle / erotic
Year: 2010
Platform: PC
Language Interface: Russian / English
Enabling | reg. Code: Not required

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