Naruto ,,Dream ,, Sasuke,Sakura | Klany
Prototype (full PC game) all-new, third-person open-world/action game, PROTOTYPET lets gamers feel the power of being the ultimate shape-shifting weapon. You are the PROTOTYPE: Alex Mercer - a genetically mutated man without memory, armed with amazing shape-shifting abilities, hunting your way to discover what created you and determined to make those responsible pay. As Alex, gamers tear through a densely populated contemporary New York City with Parkour-style agility, consuming anybody that gets in their way.assuming their physical identity, memories and abilities. Fueled by a three-way war between Alex, the Blackwatch (military) and a viral outbreak known as the Infected, players venture into a deep, dark conspiracy 40 years in the making! Prototype (PC)| Razor1911| 7.74GBPW: movie-9.comHotfileFlileserve
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