Lost Planet Extreme Condition Colonies Edition SP (MULTi9) 

Naruto ,,Dream ,, Sasuke,Sakura | Klany

Lost Planet Extreme Condition Colonies Edition SP (MULTi9)
  Lost Planet Extreme Condition Colonies Edition SP (MULTi9)

Release: 2010
Genre: Action (Shooter) / 3D / 1st Person / 3rd Person
Developer: Capcom
Language: Russian, English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Japanese, Korean
Size: 2.69 GB

On a distant planet ED AN III, where the eternal winter reigns, life and death go hand in hand. The original inhabitants of the planet, the insectoid locusts, represent a great threat to the few colonists - and at the same time become the only hope of survival for those who are at risk to challenge the icy wilderness. Only locusts can give heat so necessary to man - unless, of course, have to have the courage to join battle with the bloodthirsty predators. With the weapon in the hands of players will go through 12 story missions, finding a new source of heat energy and transforming the place forgotten by God in the new house of mankind.

Brave explorers Lost Planet are waited by new tests: fans online battles, the game offers a huge selection of multiplayer modes, characters and maps, including those created exclusively for Lost Planet Colonies. Fighting against each other, participants will join in teams, to steal competitors trophies or to protect the team owned tanks (BM). In addition, users are first allowed to take the side of locusts, and their own experience to know what can savage masters ED AN III.

New tests. We got to the finals and unharmed? Then try to improve their own skills, destroying opponents in Score Mode, check the strength of each of the bosses of game in Trial Battle or arrange total sweep the world in the mode Off Limit, using the most destructive weapons.
New opportunities. Six additional variants of online competitions for command game and battles in the "all against all", various equipment, five new characters and four unique fighting arenas located not only on the surface of the planet, but also in open space.
New enemies. Owning a PC version of Lost Planet Colonies first time a chance to measure swords with admirers of the Xbox 360, thanks to the compatibility of network services Windows - LIVE and Xbox Live!

System requirements:
System: Windows Vista;
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo;
Memory: - 1 GB (XP) / 2 GB (Vista);
Video Card: 512MB Geforce 8800 ;
Soundcard: compatible with DirectX 9.0;
Free space on your hard disk: 18 GB;
Optional: Keyboard, Mouse.


Features RePack:
Do not cut / no recoded into a smaller bitrate
Installation takes an hour, can do more - depending on your PC
Game patched to version 1.2
Install all "Additional Software"
Author repaka -

To save, you must create an autonomous profile "Games for Windows - LIVE"


Linki z tego postu zosta³y usuniête z powodu naruszenia praw autorskich.
  • zanotowane.pl
  • doc.pisz.pl
  • pdf.pisz.pl
  • jajeczko.pev.pl
  • © 2009 Naruto ,,Dream ,, Sasuke,Sakura | Klany - Ceske - Sjezdovky .cz. Design downloaded from free website templates