Naruto ,,Dream ,, Sasuke,Sakura | Klany

Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb (PC/ENG/Full/ISO)
  Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb (PC/ENG/Full/ISO)
Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb (PC/ENG/Full/ISO)
English | PC | Developer: The Collective | Publisher: LucasArts | 965 MB
Genre: Action / Adventure / Modern

Indy Returns for a Heart-Stopping New Adventure. Join daring archeologist and adventurer Indiana Jones as he travels to 1935 China to prevent a powerful artifact from falling into evil hands. Indy's latest globe-spanning adventure takes you from the jungles of Ceylon and underwater palaces in Istanbul, to the deadly streets of Hong Kong and beyond. Racing against evil Nazis and the Asian underworld with mysterious, alluring partner Mei Ying, you'll leap, swim, climb and punch your way through exotic locales, fighting hand-to-hand combat from street brawls to martial arts battles. It will take more than just your trusty whip and pistol to avoid deadly traps and navigate through all the dangerous environments. Do you have what it takes to possess the mysterious "Heart of the Dragon?"

100% realistic fire-rates measured in rounds per minute - experience incredible fire power with weapons like the G36 Assault Rifle at 750 rounds per minute; Hit damage is calculated via muzzle velocity and bullet calibre, as in real life; Realistic and playable cumulative inventory system - the player's ability to move is affected by what they are carrying and what weapon they are holding; D.A.R.T.S - the Dynamically Adjusted Reactive Targeting System; Unsurpassed game special effects, created using real-world gun samples, include realistic muzzle flashes, gun smoke and ejected bullet casings.

Game Information
Number of Players: 1 Player

Minimum System Requirements
System: PIII 733MHz or equivalent
RAM: 128 MB
Video Memory: 16 MB
Hard Drive Space: 1750 MB

Unrar, mount with your favourite tool (no crack needed) and play the game.
Works on W7.


Linki z tego postu zosta�y usuni�te z powodu naruszenia praw autorskich.
  • zanotowane.pl
  • doc.pisz.pl
  • pdf.pisz.pl
  • jajeczko.pev.pl
  • © 2009 Naruto ,,Dream ,, Sasuke,Sakura | Klany - Ceske - Sjezdovky .cz. Design downloaded from free website templates

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