Naruto ,,Dream ,, Sasuke,Sakura | Klany
Extinction 3D (PC / ENG) 3D (PC / ENG) | 5.5 MB Extinction[/b] - 3d zombie shooter with a view from the top - down, a lot of weapons, vehicles and bloody fun.
In 2012, a small town not far from Russia, the people staged a street protest against the nuclear power plant, located a few kilometers outside the city. But no one was interested to resolve this problem. For some reason a week after the street protests, has been a huge explosion at a nuclear power plant, which has caused a major disaster. Toxic waste from the plant, air pollution and water in the region, led to the fact that within a few days the whole city was infected. A new virus that infects all life. The virus has turned people into zombies! Very few people survived in this damned city, and they hide, that would be saved, waiting for help, until someone comes to rescue them.
Information about the gameGame Title: Extinction 3D
Developer: Sakis25 games
Genre: Arcade, shooter, racing
Game Type: Free game
Tablet: not required
Size: 5.57 MB
System requirements:Processor: PII-600
Memory: 64M RAM
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