Dimensity (2010) (PC) 

Naruto ,,Dream ,, Sasuke,Sakura | Klany

Dimensity (2010) (PC)
  Dimensity (2010) (PC)


Platform: PC
Category: Role-Playing
Publisher: Other
Release: 2010/04/05
Size: 2,963.9 MB

The most powerful is the Kingdom of Dumnoni, whose kings claim to be almighty and everyone must obey their orders. Far to the east of the mountains in hostile marshlands, the race of the Firbolgs united in ancient times and formed a shamanistic culture. Although the Humans often call them ?Savages?, the Firbolgs are proud and just people. They are born in war, they live to fight and die in the name of the War God. Little is known about the fearsome Ghosts. The knowledge of their origin seems lost in present days. However many of the scholars believe they are souls, that are bound to the world until they achieve the right to find rest in the true death. Almost nothing is known about the Elementals. Actually many believe they haven?t existed at all. They are source of legends and myths and none has been able to see them for many generations.

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