Cyber-Wing RIP-Unleashed 

Naruto ,,Dream ,, Sasuke,Sakura | Klany

Cyber-Wing RIP-Unleashed

Cyber-Wing RIP-Unleashed | 294.43 MB
Release Date : 13/03/2010

This is a real-strategy action wargame where you can play in first and third person as well

Cyber-Wing is an action-strategy game influenced by the Sega Genesis game Herzog Zwei, but in 3D from a first and third person perspective. If you are familiar with the game, it brings the game you remember into 3D and onto the internet with online multi-player battles you’ve been dreaming of for years.

If you are not familiar with the game, it is a real-time strategy/action hybrid, where you build units like an RTS but must fly around and fight like in an action game.

You will have to capture bases and build and give orders such as attack and retreat to troops and ultimately destroy the enemy HQ to win the game.

There is a single-player mission game as well, based on completing pre-made missions. The mission mode of the game will have both an introductory tutorial set of missions and also a set of difficult missions to challenge experienced players between multi-player games.

* Online multi-player, 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2, plus up to 32 observers.
* 8 unit types allowing for a variety of strategies to be used.
* Control a transforming fighter jet! Engage enemies with anti armor cannon or anti-personnel mini-gun. Airlift units into position and launch attacks.
* Battles rage across a wide variety of terrains: arid deserts, icy tundra, industrial areas, islands and sweltering jungles.
* Full stereo and 3D sound and pixel shader graphics.
* Single-player mission based campaign with 8 missions.
* AI opponent for skirmish play.
* Cyber-Wing is only being developed for the PC right now. It may be ported to XBLA if we get very, very lucky. No mac or linux port is planned at this time.


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