BioShock 2 (2010) (PC) 

Naruto ,,Dream ,, Sasuke,Sakura | Klany

BioShock 2 (2010) (PC)
  BioShock 2 (2010) (PC)

Platform: PC
Category: First-Person Shooters
Publisher: 2K Games
Release: 2010/02/09
Size: 7,575.6 MB

Follow-up to BioShock, 2K Games? critically acclaimed and commercially successful 2007 release, BioShock 2 is a first-person shooter set in the fictional underwater city of Rapture. As in the original game, BioShock 2 features a blend of fast-paced action, exploration and puzzle-solving as players follow varying paths through the overarching storyline based on the decisions that they are forced to make at various points in the game. In addition to a further fleshing out of the franchise?s popular storyline, players can look forward to new characters, game mechanics, weapons, locations and a series first, multiplayer game options.


* Online and offline multiplayer modes including: Free-For-All, and Team Death Match and more.
* Return to the underwater city of Rapture where now the ?The Big Sister? is the toughest creature around.
* Play as the original the Big Daddy as you harness raw strength to battle Rapture?s most feared denizens as you battle powerful new enemies.
* New game mechanics including the ability to wield plasmids and weapons simultaneously; flashback missions detailing how you became the Big Daddy; the ability to walk outside the airlocks of Rapture to discover new play areas, and many more.
* New game environments including Fontaine Futuristics, headquarters of Fontaine?s business empire and the Kashmir Restaurant.

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