Naruto ,,Dream ,, Sasuke,Sakura | Klany
BC Kings (2010) Kings - SKIDROW (ENG/Full ISO)
PC Game | Windows | Mascot Entertainment | Strategy | 1.01 GB
The BC Kings is a real-time strategy game in the prehistoric ages, where two races; the Humans and the Mutants are fighting desperate battle with each other for the final victory. The BC Kings is featuring several new elements that you might have not experienced in a strategy game before. In spite of just gathering resources, training an army and defeating the enemy you will have to solve adventure and role-playing elements as well. The campaign is built around the epic story of your brave hero Mradin, and his trusty old friend Giesnik. But not only you have to complete the main objectives, but also you can solve side-quests, whihces rewarded with Shell-coins, that can be spent on upgarding your main characters. You will have to be victorious in complex missions in different places and on different levels. Each mission runs on multiple maps, where you have to travel between them, and take advantage of for example the hidden cavern that leads to the back of your enemy. Beside building your empire and sending our army to battle by side of your heroes, also collecting quest items and solving puzzles lead to the final victory. Meanwhile you figure out the biggest mysteries of all time, like the purpose of the Stonehenge and the mystery of the Yeti, and much more. Requirements:
OS: Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Me, Windows Vista
Memory: 512 MB
DirectX: 8.1 or later
CPU: P 1.0GHz
1. Unpack release
2. Mount image or burn it
3. Install game
4. Play the game
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