Batman Arkham Asylum (Full Rip) - PC 

Naruto ,,Dream ,, Sasuke,Sakura | Klany

Batman Arkham Asylum (Full Rip) - PC
  Batman Arkham Asylum (Full Rip) - PC

Platform: PC
Category: Action
Publisher: Eidos Interactive
Arkhemskaya mental hospital - an eerie place. Return the transport of all criminals, whose brutality and sophistication defies common sense and human nature itself. Many inhabitants of the place stopped and called to*** himself Batman. And, finally, he managed to hold his worst enemy - the Joker, whom the place in an insane asylum. Hero personally delivered villain on the island Arkham and thereby made a huge mistake ...

It turned out that only a Joker and sought to lure Batman into a sinister hospital. There, for the Dark Knight has already prepared his own personal hell. Clever traps, dangerous criminals, and many fierce enemies block the way to salvation. This time, Batman is fighting for his life! You will be involved in violent fights, sneaking quietly in the dark and solve intricate puzzles, using non-lethal weapons from the arsenal of the hero. And all this - in a psychiatric hospital, which brought together the most dangerous madmen
Game features:
Brutal fights. FreeFlow's unique combat system allows to build a combination of crushing blows and effectively confront the whole group of thugs Joker.
Detective. To get out of straddling Joker's trap, you must unravel his plans. You will have to conduct a full investigation of a detective with the use of special devices, such as X-ray scanner, tools for the study of fingerprints and analyzer pheromones.
Fierce enemies. Batman will have to meet with dangerous criminals, including Harley Quinn, Killer Kroc, Viktor Zsaszom and, of course, by the Joker.
Become a predator. Noisy fight - not always the best way to cope with the enemy. Sometimes it appropriately become undetectable predator, stalking in the dark and silently attacking their prey.
The effect of surprise! At your disposal is a huge arsenal of tricks. In particular, Batman can suddenly attack their enemies, jumping off the top or prolamyvayas through walls.
Island at your disposal. You decide in what order to investigate nursing facilities, located on the island of Arkham.
A set of special equipment. Use the personal weapon of the hero - betarangi, resonator, exploding aerosol and other non-lethal weapons
Develop ability. Experience earned a hero, you can use to improve the equipment, development of character and ability to access the various secrets.
Complete freedom! Conquer any obstacles with the help of climbing hook, jump from any height and plan in any direction!
Gripping plot. History of Batman: Arkham Asylum set up five times winner of the prestigious Emmy Award Paul Dini.

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