Naruto ,,Dream ,, Sasuke,Sakura | Klany
Archlord (PC/ENG) |ONLINE| 1.49 GbEvents are developing the game in the world Chantra. History tells us of two undefeated heroes, orke and man, who traveled together in search of the legendary weapons. But when they finally found what you were looking for, their gaze is presented not one but two such artifacts.
In fact, it was only two "Archon" of five, who were hidden away in remote corners of the world. ... When heroes will find all of the powerful artifact, it converts them into Arhlordov who will rule the world for three weeks. ArchLord: The Legend of Chantra
Genre: Action
Platform: PC
Developer: NHN Games
Language: English
System requirements:Pentium 1.0 Mhz the
RAM: 256 MB
Video: 128 MB
All included
Size: 1.49 Gb
Download:Best Regard !
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