Alpha Protocol (2010) (PC)-hot 

Naruto ,,Dream ,, Sasuke,Sakura | Klany

Alpha Protocol (2010) (PC)-hot
  Alpha Protocol (2010) (PC)-SKIDROW

Platform: PC
Category: Role-Playing
Publisher: Sega
Release: 2010/06/01
Size: 10,177.3 MB

Loyalty carries a price and no one knows this more than agent Michael Thorton. A talented young agent cast out by his government, Thorton is the only one with the information needed to stop an impending international catastrophe. To do so means he must cut himself off from the very people he is sworn to protect. As players determine how to accomplish different objectives, the decisions made and actions taken in each mission will ultimately transform the type of secret agent Michael Thorton will become. Every choice the player makes as Michael Thorton will carry consequences for his future and the fate of the world.


* Redefined RPG ? Classless system gives players the ability to mold Thorton into the secret agent they want him to become with lethal close combat techniques, marksman skills, proficiency with gadgets and much more
* The International Spy ? Players travel around the world to international safe house locations to obtain information, mission objectives and conduct meetings with a growing list of contacts
* Dialogue Stance System ? With an innovative real-time dialogue system, the characters in Alpha Protocol reacts to Thorton?s each and every word

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