Aladin Magic Racer PAL WII-ZER0
Naruto ,,Dream ,, Sasuke,Sakura | Klany
Aladin Magic Racer PAL WII-ZER0 Magic Racer PAL WII-ZER0Size: 4.34 GB
Genre: Racing
PLOT : When you sit or stand on your balance board / flying carpet, or simply hold your Wiimote in hand, you will magically transform into one of the gameÒ‘s fakirs and zip through the city streets of 1001 nights, the bottoms of the springs in the desert, or through a magic oasis. Take on up to 3 people at the same time and collect bonuses that enable you to fly even faster or cast spells on your adversaries. Want even more challenges ? Visit the Aladin Magic Racer mini-games, designed to entertain the whole family! Magic Racer PAL WII-ZER0
Size: 4.34 GB
Genre: Racing
Gamespot: n/a
IGN: n/a
IGN Rating: n/a
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